


subtract hero

Beti. Beta is a radical tuition center where play and possibilities collide.

We create resonant learning experiences that radically spark the audacity to aspire, by tackling the root cause of passiveness.

The Special Sauce

Shifting Expectations -> Driving Questioning
Changing the way we learn


Shifting Power -> Driving Legacy
Changing the way we teach


Shifting Value -> Driving Equity
Changing the way we see


meet the betis

Trish | Co-Founder

Her true masala comes alive when she has the space to empower cultures, question systems & design futures. After all, her mother always said that “if you have the privilege to follow your passion, it’s your duty to make the world a little bit better”.
She hopes through Beti.Beta, she can help young Betis & Betas of the world become masala-ridden change makers by giving back what she was given.
She has worked with a range of clients & industries; from global MNCs to non-profits such as Google, Microsoft & Maersk with her latest achievement winning the Prestige 40 under 40 award.

Liz | Co-Founder

Elizabeth Nair is curious, kind and concerned about how we ended up “here”.  She thrives on understanding the why behind a decision. From the systems that enabled it to the emotions that drove it there.
Through working with governments, startups and MNCs, she observed the human experience and the effects different spaces have on them. She believes everyone deserves a space to feel like themselves and play! Through play we will be able to imagine.
She is the COO and Co-Founder of Beti.Beta; a decentralised upskilling platform driven by the collective power of community, lived experience & play.

Are you Ready

to Rewrite

the rules?

come and play

come and play